
Join your classmates from Haven Junior High School at Old Neighborhood Grill, 2902 Central St. in Evanston for food, beverage, and conversation. Festivities begin at 7:30 p.m AFTER the Friday night Levy Center Happy Hour. Please RSVP on Facebook or to Kathleen Kline Moore at kathleenklinemoore@gmail.com by Tuesday, July 23, 2019. Looking forward to reminiscing about all the fun we shared... music class with Mr. Marshall, Principal Mr. Burns, Fortnightly, Your home base, etc. Bring your Haven Scroll to get those signatures you missed back in the day!

Classmates who wish to organize additional events and have them listed here should contact the planning committee at reunion45@eths.com.

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For questions or assistance, please send a detailed e-mail to reunion45@eths1974.com or leave a detailed voice message including your name, phone number, and order number (if applicable) at 847.786.5766. We'll usually get back to you within a day.